Goals, Hopes and Plans for 2022
Thirty things I want to accomplish in 2022--which means averaging two major or three minor projects from this list every month (some projects are year-long and will have to be broken into monthly chunks):
1. Paint the third bedroom.
2. Get back in the habit of walking between 15-55 min. 2x or 3x per wk.
3. Visit the relatives for the 4th of July, if COVID cooperates, if not that, then for Thanksgiving--if COVID and the weather cooperates. If I don't make at least one visit this year, move this goal to 2023.
4. Find out what to do with odd electronics, such as parts and accessories for old computers, phones, tapes. tape recorders, cables, plugs--recycle, donate, re-sell, or just plain trash.
5. Hold another estate sale, perhaps in Sept. or Oct. to maximize likelihood of clearing out the excess holiday decorations. Knickknacks and saleable items in living room, kitchen, closets, garage, and back bedrooms need to be sold, either at an estate sale, or another way (such as online or in a booth).
6. Update the family files ASAP.
7. Close probate, even it means finding another lawyer, ASAP.
8. Make out a will.
9. Make my power of attorney, both "healthcare" and "financial" versions.
10. Hire a housekeeper or other housecleaning help to free up time for major home organization and management--May might be a good time to start looking.
11. Fit living expenses into my budget.
12. Watch at least 60 movies and read at least 30 books.
13. Organize family's stamp collection and locate someone who's interested in buying it, or at least taking it over.
14. Have a fire in the fireplace more often.
15. Cook a turkey (maybe brown-in-bag style) for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
16. Eat at the Polo Lounge in Beverly Hills, COVID permitting.
17. Two dental appointments and three hairstyling appointments.
18. Get back in the habit of regular manicures and pedicures, including experimenting with nail decals and false French nails.
19. Make attempt to increase cash flow--try looking for freelance/part-time/temp writing jobs with a foundation or other non-profit fundraising organization.
20. Make another attempt to increase cash flow--try selling "Life After Mother" and "My Recycled Life" columns to multiple media outlets.
21. Reupholster second backrest.
22. Buy a new cell phone, maybe an iPhone, maybe a Jitterbug ASAP.
23. Repair and repaint the bedroom dresser that needs painting and repairing.
24. Sort and label slides and photos in family photo collection.
25. Get back to making genealogy a regular hobby.
26. Continue clearing kitchen/laundry area of unwanted/unused kitchenware and hardware, while at same time keeping appliances (refrigerator, dishwasher, etc.) cleaned and maintained.
27. Keep avocado tree trimmed and watered, and avocados harvested--donate surplus fruit to charity.
28. Bake bread, pies, cookies for charity.
29. Break down (saw up) old lawn swing and backyard workbench, use wood as firewood or else have it hauled away.
30. Move contents of storage unit into house (and garage) and close up storage unit.