Lyn Jensen's Blog: Manga, Music, and Politics

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Location: Anaheim, California, United States

Regular contributor for Random Lengths (circulation 56,000) in San Pedro, CA, 2001-present. Columns "Life in Long Beach" and "Life After Mother" pub. in Senior Reporter of Orange County. Manga reviewer: LA Alternative (circulation 150,000), 2005-2006. Some manga reviews also ran in NY Press around this time. Entertainment reporting: Music Connection (circulation 75,000), 1983-1906. Travel writing: Oakland Tribune (1998) and Life After 50 (2006). Other bylines: Goldmine, Star Hits, Los Angeles Reader, Los Angeles Times, Long Beach Press Telegram, Blade, BAM, Daily Breeze, LA Weekly. Specializations include community news reporting, writing reviews (book, theater, concert, film, music), copywriting, resumes, editing, travel writing, publicity, screenwriting, lecturing, and content development. Education: B. A. Theater Arts, UCLA. Post-grad work, Education, Chapman University.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Portfolio of Writing Samples

I've put together a portfolio of the following samples of my journalism, stretching over my entire writing career.  Unfortunately only the recent Random Lengths stories are currently available online:

"Mathews Spearheads Oil Extraction Tax Initiative Drive For Education", Aug. 26-Sept. 6, 2011, Random Lengths News

"Dear Charges Gerrymandering," a follow-up to the below story, July 29-Aug.11, 2011, Random Lengths News

"Carson Looks at Upcoming District Shape," June 17-30, 2011, Random Lengths News.  The day after this story was published, Los Angeles radio station KNX reported a story on state redistricting.  That weekend two major newspapers in the Random Lengths circulation area carried front-page stories on redistricting as well.

"The Boys:  Revolution Meets Drama," film review, a documentary on the making and cultural impact of the stage play The Boys in the Band,  July 1-14, 2011, Random Lengths News

"History Still in the Making:  A Chat with Los Angeles Councilmember Bill Rosendahl," July 2011, Blade California

"South Bay LGBT Center Offers Programs & Support," July 2011, Blade California

"LA Explosion 1979," feature on the thirtieth anniversary of the peak of the Los Angeles punk/Nu Wave scene, July 3-16, 2009, Random Lengths News

"LB Mayor Bob Foster on Stimulus Dollars at Work," cover story, interview with the mayor of Long Beach, June 19-July 2, 2009, Random Lengths News

 "Carson Turns Forty:  History in its Own Backyards," Fall 2008, Harbor Living, a Random Lengths publication

"Dear Survives Recall, Cements Popularity," a follow-up to the cover story below, Oct. 3-17, 2008, Random Lengths News

"Crossing Dear:  The line-up of People trying to recall Carson Mayor Jim Dear includes a long list of the usual suspects," cover story, Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2008, Random Lengths News

"Ghost Towne Blues," feature interview with Japanese-American rock band Ghost Towne, June 2008, Summer Entertainment Guide, Random Lengths News

"Lysistrata Opens at University Theatre," drama review, April 4-17, 2008, Random Lengths News

"Coming Out All Over:  OC star battles chronic fatigue and Oprah Winfrey," interview with Orange County rock musician Frank Rogala, April 2008, The Orange Coast Voice

"Local LGBT Rising Stars:  Music Scene Heats Up," another interview with Frank Rogala, March 2008, Blade

"Anime Demons Rock Long Beach," ACE feature on Anime Expo, June 29-July 12, 2007, Random Lengths News

"Clash of the Congressional Candidates," round-up of candidates for special election in CA-37 congressional district, June 1-14, 2007, Random Lengths News

"Remembering James Dean:  Personification of restless American youth 1950s-style," travel story, to Dean crash site, June 2007, Life After 50

"Former Prosecutor Calls 911 on Bush--But Will Congress Answer the Phone?" book review of The United States V. George W. Bush et. al. by Elizabeth de la Vega, May 4-17, 2007, Random Lengths News.  It was also posted on the site:

"Gipson Shows Confrontational Side," Sept. 15-28, 2006, Random Lengths News

"Oropeza Fights Back," follow-up to below story, May 26-June 8, 2006, Random Lengths News

"Nakano Leads in Senate Race," news story on the race for the California 28th Senate District between George Nakano and Jenny Oropeza, May 12-25, 2006, Random Lengths News

Manga review, Enchanter, Aug. 2-8, 2006, New York Press

Manga review, Play Boy Blues, June 14-June 30, 2006, New York Press

Manga review, "Fantasies in the Finder:  Rape as Good Clean Fun," of the Finder series by Ayano Yamane, Dec. 23-29, 2005, LA Alternative, from a regular column of manga reviews written exclusively for that paper.

Manga review, "LA Artist Felipe Smith Debuts With MBQ Manga," and interview with Smith, Dec. 16-22, 2005, LA Alternative, from a regular column of manga reviews that ran 2005-2006.

Three club reviews from my second stint as a reviewer for Music Connection, on Crash Davis, Douglas Wood, and Keith Foti, with photos, circa 2004-2005.

"Bush Can Burn Reproductive Rights," news story on abortion and the Supreme Court in the George W. Bush era, July 22-Aug. 4, 2005, Random Lengths News

"Razon-Philipp Investigation Continues," news story and round-up of candidates for Carson City Council, March 4-17, 2005, Random Lengths News

"Political Gas," news story on rising gas prices, Sept. 17-30, 2004, Random Lengths News

"Un-Conventional:  Protestations from L.A.'s ANSWER Coalition," Sept. 17-30, 2004, LA Alternative Press

"McDonald Admits 'Nothing has Been Done' in EEO Enforcement, Toxic Waste," Jan. 25-Feb. 7, 2002, Random Lengths News, story was included in the 37th Congressional District Constituent Report for that year.

"Spirit of gold rush's Old West attracts visitors to Bodie area," travel story with photos, Sunday, July 26, 1998, Herald, in Oakland, CA region

(as Holly Ian) "Fact and Fiction:  A Brief Recording History," major article on music collectibles for fans of The Cure, July 9, 1993, Goldmine

(as Holly Ian) "Duran Duran:  "The Fab Five" of the '80s," major article on the rock band's recording history and collectibles, June 12, 1992, Goldmine   

Review, "The Young Dubliners," at the Two Drops 'o Scotch, Santa Monica, with photo credited to Holly Ian, July 9-21, 1991, Music Connection

Review, "The Clints, Sons of Kyuss, October 6, The Gaslight, Hollywood," Nov. 2, 1990, BAM

"The Manners and Physique of Adam Ant," interview with the rock star, Oct. 26, 1990, Frontiers

"Gay Minstrels Seek Straight Audience," review of Romanovsky & Phillips in concert, March 15, 1988, Los Angeles Times

"Showcase:  American Martyrs," interview with the rock band from Manhattan Beach, Feb. 8, 1988, Music Connection

Album review, Vive Le Rock, Adam Ant, Feb. 3-16, 1986, Music Connection

Video review, "Do They Know It's Christmas? The Story of the Official Band Aid Video," May 1985, BAM (national issue) and March 15, 1985, BAM (California regional issue)

Miscellaneous theater reviews, circa 1980-1989, for LA Reader and Together