SBPA in Random Lengths, 2/10/12
By Lyn Jensen
Random Lengths, Feb. 10, 2012: "Pat Bruggeman was temporarily evacuated from her Carson mobile home during the fire of this past Oct. 27, 2011. Although that disaster is behind her now—her home suffered only minor smoke damage and her insurance company quickly settled—she is still facing another issue: unemployment..." Read more on page 4 of
Random Lengths ran correction in Feb. 23 issue: We apologize for misidentifying the term "ninety-niner" in the third paragraph of Lyn Jensen’s story “Group Offers Support for Job Seekers” in the Feb. 9 edition. In reference to unemployment benefits a “ninety-niner” is someone whose unemployment benefits have been exhausted after ninety-nine weeks, the maximum time allowed, hence the term “ninety-niner.”