Turning online blogs into paperback collections of essays
because "some blogs are just too cool to stay in cyberspace" is one
of Ginger Mayerson's more innovative ideas. Her online venture Wapshott Press
has been publishing The Journal of
Bloglandia, a non-fiction literary journal, since 2008. Also known as J Bloglandia or simply Bloglandia, it allows creative
literature that began life online to make the transition to print, including
two works by this journalist.
According to the Wapshott Press site, "The Journal of Bloglandia is a
print compilation of non-fiction blog posts on a variety of subjects, including
left leaning politics. These could include essays, reviews, interviews,
histories, analysis, original comics and illustrations, some poetry (maybe), or
whatnot. "
Although bloggers may make submissions to the Wapshott Press
site at any time, becoming familiar with the first four issues, published
2008-2009, will help provide an overview of what gets published here.
J Bloglandia, The
Journal of Bloglandia, Vol. 1, Issue 1 (May '08) featured fourteen
blogs on subjects ranging from Hillary Clinton to Barbarella. Authors included
erotic comic artist Molly Kiely, and essayist Paul M. Rodriguez, whose work
appears on the Blogger site The Ruricolist.
Vol. 1, Issue 2 (Sept. '08) featured this writer's own
#metoo story, "One Woman's Story: I Sued Rumsfeld for Sexual
Harassment," years before any #metoo movement. After I was unable to find
a print outlet for it, I posted it as an online article on deviantart.com (I've
also posted it on Daily Kos and a few other sites) and Mayerson kindly allowed
it to see print. Some other stories included Molly Kiely's "18 Months into
Motherhood When Plan A Was to Get Spayed ASAP" and a legal presentation by
Ray Beckerman on "How the RIAA Litigation Process Works."
J Bloglandia, Vol.
2, Issue 1 (April 2009) led with a lengthy and topical analysis from the
website Daily Kos of how the LGBT movement failed to stop a California ballot
proposition (Proposition 8) that took same-sex marriage away. Bruce Hahne, a
senior volunteer who worked on the No on 8 campaign, ticked off a series of
fatal errors. Opponents of the proposition failed to counter the right's
favorite ploy--gays are after children. The opponents' arguments in the state's
Voter Information Guide resembled the ranting of a crackpot, there was little
effort at online messaging, and most importantly, time-honored methods to GOTV
were sporadic at best. The damage Hahne describes has been largely mitigated by
the Supreme Court allowing same-sex marriage but his advice for how political
campaigns can counter the right is evergreen.
Vol. 2, Issue 2 (Oct. '09) included this blogger's article
on suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, "The Politics of CFS:
What Does it Mean?" which, as was the case with my sexual harassment
experience, I posted on sites including deviantart.com and Daily Kos when I was
unable to find a print outlet.
You won't find superstars of blogging here because Mayerson
prefers to focus on more obscure or academic sites. She publishes an issue when
she's able to get together a sufficient amount of material, but the journal has
been on a long hiatus since publishing its first four issues in 2008 and 2009.
At long last a fifth issue is scheduled for later this year, and for the first
time will have a theme--blogs from fans of the Gothic cult-classic Dark
Shadows, which has found life as a TV series, a comic, and a 2012 Johnny
Depp film.
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